Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Retired Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College
University of Delhi, Delhi-110007, India
Res: 932 Anand Kunj
Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018

About the Book
The present fourth edition of the book is a completely revised and strongly updated, largely based on the developments of the last few years. The publication of current edition was forced mainly because of publication of revision of International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi and Plants (Shenzhen Code, 2018), new version of PhyloCode (Beta version of Phylocode 5, 2014), updated APweb version 14 (Update September, 2018), revised Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification APG IV (2016), new Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group Classification PPG I (2016) and accumulation of large amount of information subsequent to the publication of third edition. The book blends information on classical fundamental aspects with recent developments especially in the field of molecular systematics, cladistics and computer identification. Special attention has been given to information on botanical nomenclature, identification, molecular systematics and phylogeny of angiosperms. The complicated concepts of phylogeny, taxometrics and cladistics have
been explained with a view to provide a comparison between these diverse but interactive fields of study. Attempt has been made to build upon a common example when exploring different methods, especially in procedures of identification, taxometrics and cladistics. The major systems of classification are critically evaluated. Discussion on major families of Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms, especially those of major phylogenetic interest, forms major portion of the present edition. The ebook includes nearly
500 color photographs set out in 36 plates covering plants from different parts of the world. In addition, 305 BW illustrations have been included for better understanding of the plants covered in the book.
List of Contents
1. Plants, Taxonomy and Systematics 1
2. Descriptive Terminology 15
3. Process of Identification 48
4. Taxonomic Evidence 84
5. Hierarchical Classification 143
6. Botanical Nomenclature 152
7. Variation, Biosystematics, Population Genetics and Evolution 182
8. Numerical and Cladistic Methods 202
9. Phylogeny of Angiosperms 248
10. Systems of Classification 278
11. Families of Pteridophytes 334
12. Families of Gymnosperms 354
13. Major Families of Angiosperms 372
References 584
Index 611