Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Retired Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College
University of Delhi, Delhi-110007, India
Res: 932 Anand Kunj
Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018
1. Singh, Gurcharan and P. Kachroo. 1976. Forest Flora of Srinagar and the Plants of neighbourhood. Bishan Singh, Mohinderpal Singh, Dehradun.
2. Virdi, G. S. and Gurcharan Singh. 1988. PMT: Medical Entrance Guide. Archana Publications, New Delhi.
3. Sethi, Inderjeet Kaur and Gurcharan Singh.1991. Modern Dictionary: Environmnent. Discovery Publishing House, New Delhi
4. Singh, Gurcharan and Inderjeet Kaur Sethi. 1992. Topics and terms in Environment Science. Commonwealth Publishers, New Delhi. 2 Vols.
5. Singh, Gurcharan, S. K. Aggarwal and Inderjeet Sethi. 1993. The Degrading Environment: Cause for global concern. Commonwealth Publishers, New Delhi.
6. Singh, Gurcharan. 1999. Plant Systematics. Science Publishers Inc., New Hampshire, USA.
7. Singh, Gurcharan. 1999. Plant Systematics: Theory and Practice. Oxford & IBH, New Delhi.
8. Singh, Gurcharan. 2004. Plant Systematics: An Integrated approach.. Science Publishers Inc., New Hampshire, USA.
9. Singh, Gurcharan. 2004. Plant Systematics: Theory and Practice. Completely revised and enlarged 2nd edition. Oxford & IBH, New Delhi.
10. Singh, Gurcharan. 2010. Plant Systematics: An Integrated approach. Third edition. Science Publishers Inc., New Hampshire, USA.
11. Singh, Gurcharan. 2012. Plant Systematics: Theory and Practice. Third edition. Oxford & IBH, New Delhi.
12. Singh, Gurcharan. 2006 onwards. Diversity of Flowering Plants in NSDL.niscair Diversity of Seed plants online pdf.
13. Singh, Gurcharan. 2012. eFlora- the Future of Floristic Documentation. in Rajni Gupta (ed.) Plant Taxonomy, Past, Present and Future. pages 329-349. Publ. TERI Press, Hew Delhi.
14. Singh, Gurcharan. 2014. Know Your Fruits and Vegetables: Cucurbits. Power Publishers, New Delhi.
15. Singh, Gurcharan. 2019. Plant Systematics: An Integrated Approach. Fourth Edition. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, U. K.
16. Singh, Gurcharan. 2021. Plant Systematics: Theory and Practice. Fourth Edition. CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.
Also technical editor for ongoing English translation of Flora of Siberia (14 volume work) and Plants of Central Asia (11 volume work) being published by Science Publishers, Inc., U.S.A. translated from Russian.